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  1. T

    Anyone good at 6800 series assembly? Would like someone to take a look at some source code

    So I have several pieces of 6800 code that I've dumped from some EPROMs and have been slowly reverse engineering it into source code. If there's anyone that's generally familiar with this family of MPUs, is willing to look through what I have to see if I'm on the right track in documenting the...
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    Midwest Long shot ask: Westinghouse / ABB Distribution Control Terminal

    I figure many of the forum members probably visit their local e-waste facility at least occasionally or know those that do, so I'm just throwing this out there to see if anyone may have seen one of these units kicking around. This was part of an utility load-control system that used the power...
  3. T

    Just some other 8-bit era hardware...

    Thought I'd share a project that grew out of some equipment I used to service; these were a few scrapped obsolete boards I squirreled away at some point. It certainly took a while to draw and debug the schematics! That was easy compared to trying to figure out the firmware. :)
  4. T

    Old DOS screensaver app?

    I'm going through some DOS files to try and get them organized, and I came across one called 'Cruise Control' by Revolution Software. (cruise.com) It gave you a few options such as the ability to blank the screen after a set delay (30 minutes default) and the ability to set cursor and repeat...
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    Universal Instruments Corp 8222 Controller: Industrial PDP-11 clone

    Since there wasn't much online for this piece of equipment (until klapperp shared a bunch of info), I figure it might be a good idea to start a separate thread to capture any information on this PDP-11 variant so others who are interested in this line of minicomputers can keep their eyes open...
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    PDP-11 style front card

    I spoke a while back about two PDP-11 systems in a room next to my current work area. So far, I haven't heard anything about any long-term plans for these (we have plenty of space now and these two machines are well out of the way of the main production area). However, it looks like my area will...
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    Identify minicomputer from sketch?

    I'm wondering if the minicomputer in background of this illustration was an actual machine or if it was merely some artist's conception?
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    Embedded ML code in C= Educational titles?

    Before jumping into the main reason for this thread... after seeing the post about the LoadStar archives online, I wonder if there are any equivalent archives of the 'educational' titles Commodore put out way back then? (I'd love to get a copy of the Artillery game!) So, as I said, this...
  9. T

    Which PDP-11 parts to keep an eye out for?

    So, at my work, in a room adjacent to my work area, are these two PDP-11s and which are used to run some automated electronics assembly equipment. Back in the 1990s, this equipment ran 8 hours a day, but now, it is barely run 8 hours a quarter. I think the only reason they haven't scrapped these...
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    Blaze of glory parts

    The blown RIFA cap thread reminded me of a few parts I'd squirreled away ages ago. The TO-3 and TO-220 both had internal failures that caused an arc strong enough to breach the case and tab respectively. The two blown ULN2803As (and sockets - they are permanently joined now) came off an I/O...
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    Unusual IC

    Can't recall where I'd picked this up, but I've had it a while.
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    Long shot - description / identification of parallel printer interface for C64

    First, the accessory in question is decades gone (so no hope of a picture), but I am hoping someone can remember what I'm talking about and hopefully identify it based on the description. When my dad first purchased the C64 for the family in 1984 (but really, within a year or so, it had been...
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    Time encoding methods?

    I'm just curious if there was anything like a standard method for encoding 24-hour time back in the day. I'm trying to pick apart some firmware to see how everything worked, but one of the biggest obstacles is not knowing how the time data was encoded. I do know that the information was saved...
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    Hello from the northern Plains USA

    Although I don't currently have any vintage electronics (other than one project), I have had some experience with 8-bit era computers. I remember when one elementary school I attended in the late '70s got its first computer - a PET 2001 with chiclet keyboard, and I remember playing with the...