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Doesn't anyone else want to BBS with their PET?

Well the board is the same size as the main board on the PET. This is an ieee-488 to RS-232 adapter basically. So you can connect RS-232 devices to the PET. Shouldnt this device work?

My concern is what viable Terminal program is there for the PET? Does anyone have one? Is there a good one?

I don't know about good, but there was this McTerm that used a modem connected to the user port via some sort of interface.

I also found a list of terminal programs for the PET here:
100 REM "ICPUG PET Comms" pc 2c
110 REM 47 "8010 modem drivr" prg - terminal pgm for 8010
120 REM 2 "autodial ml" prg - machine language for autodial term
130 REM 27 "autodial term" prg - extended term pgm for 40/80 col w/rs232
140 REM 18 "autoterm/16" prg - terminal program for 4016
150 REM 6 "cbm 8010" prg - simple basic terminal pgm for 8010 modem
160 REM 32 "comm primer" prg - communications presentation
170 REM 25 "freq generator!" prg - generates modem noises
180 REM 7 "intelcom" seq - describes how to use intelcom
190 REM 4 "intelcom3" prg - m/l to handle rs232 modem on skinny 40
200 REM 4 "intelcom3/40" prg - m/l to handle rs232 modem on fat 40
210 REM 4 "intelcom4" prg - m/l to handle rs232 modem on 8032
220 REM 5 "logger" prg - as per 'cbm 8010' plus log to disk
230 REM 14 "morse tutor" prg - test your morse code capability
240 REM 4 "morse-bttrfld" prg - more morse code
250 REM 7 "rs232 doc" seq - describes how to attach rs232 on user port
260 REM 3 "supercom" prg - m/l for terminal.s12
270 REM 28 "term inst1" seq - instruction for 'terminal.xxx' pgms (wp)
280 REM 20 "term inst2" seq - more instructions for 'terminal' pgms
290 REM 7 "term.i12" prg - m/l for terminal.i12
300 REM 7 "term.r12" prg - m/l to do terminal functions with intelcom
310 REM 8 "term.r12a/16" prg - machine language for autoterm/16
320 REM 18 "terminal doc" prg - description of terminal functions
330 REM 14 "terminal.i12" prg - terminal pgm for pet/cbm with 8010
340 REM 15 "terminal.r12" prg - steve punter's terminal program
350 REM 14 "terminal.s12" prg - term pgm for superpet w/ modem on serial
360 REM 4 "vt52.basic" prg - term pgm to run 8032/8010 as a vt52
370 REM 3 "vt52.bin" prg - m/l for vt52.basic

Some of the above might be on this disk image:

There's a 1 page manual for some of these programs (and a description) on page 48 of this TORPET newsletter:

I also found this old review for a terminal program:
and the manual is online here:
https://archive.org/stream/EHSSTCP/EHS STCP manual#page/n1/mode/2up
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Just for tinkering sake I bought that Parallel to Serial board off Ebay, The seller accepted my offer.

Neat. Would be appreciated if you could do some sort of photo report here when you get it. Info on that sort of thing is scarce. From what I've been reading, the company might have supplied just the circuit board and the case was up to the user.
Neat. Would be appreciated if you could do some sort of photo report here when you get it. Info on that sort of thing is scarce. From what I've been reading, the company might have supplied just the circuit board and the case was up to the user.

That case was an option. Its got the company info and logo on it. Wood.. Man I miss when things were built well ( I say this as Im installing a new toillette that appears to use as much water as someones breath... " I have my own well! Dont tell me how much water I should be using!!!!"
actually no, I just archive 'em and make them available to people. To protect copyright I require people complete a little form that asks that a person agree that the files are for educational / preservation / single-use only before downloading.

A while back (2010) I made the flash attack game cables to allow two computers to communicate via the user port, which familiarized me with the use of the user port on the PET. I wonder if any of that would help?

It was fun just typing in one PET and having the text appear on the other screen, I don't remember if I actually got Flash attack to work, I did not close out the thread on my web site.

so that serial board will arrive in the mail tomorrow https://www.ebay.com/itm/VINTAGE-CO...e=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649.
I realize now that this rs-232 device is card-edge so I'm going to need to buy/build an adapter. So as I posted earlier in the thread I am already working on making this : http://biosrhythm.com/?p=1136

Will this suffice to connect a standard rs-232 device? (also the rs-232 ttl adapter I bought from China so it will be at least another week and a half before I get it in.)

On a similar note I only have the one ieee-488 card - edge to hpib adapter for my pet. Does anyone know a source I can order another one?
In the very early 80's, I used an Anchor Automation 300 BAUD modem made for the PET that hooked up to the PET User Port. It came with a program that contained both BASIC and Assembly routines on Cassette.

One loaded an ran the program, and then could type characters that were sent, and receive data on the screen at 300 BAUD.

I needed the capability to remotely log into a University IBM mainframe to run a program called General Purpose Simulation System (GPSS) for an Engineering Statistics class.

Of course the data display was awful on the 40 character screen, so I had to hook up my Heathkit 132 column serial printer to the RX signal that the MODEM was sending to the PET on the User Port and kludge it into the Printer receiver circuit (as it was a TTL level), but then had a nice hardcopy output of my listings and program output. I aced the class without ever waiting in line for a computer terminal.